
...xmenuprompttoselectlayout.Xmenuneedtobeinstalledforthistowork.Editlayoutmenu.shwiththecorrectlayouttable,andplaceinPATH.---config ...,IwrotesomeutilitiesforricingtheX11,thatyoumightfinduseful.Thefirstofthemisxmenu,autilityforcreatingdesktop/launchermenus.,XMenu具有以下功能:XMenu以UNIX方式读入一些内容并打印出一些内容。子菜单(某些菜单项可以产生另一个菜单)。分隔符(菜单项可以用一行分隔)。...


... xmenu prompt to select layout. Xmenu need to be installed for this to work. Edit layoutmenu.sh with the correct layout table, and place in PATH. --- config ...

xmenu, xnotify and xclickroot: X11-ricing utilities

I wrote some utilities for ricing the X11, that you might find useful. The first of them is xmenu, a utility for creating desktop/launcher menus.


XMenu 具有以下功能: XMenu 以UNIX 方式读入一些内容并打印出一些内容。 子菜单(某些菜单项可以产生另一个菜单)。 分隔符(菜单项可以用一行分隔)。 图标( ...

layoutmenu - DWM

This patch adds a context menu for layout switching. Right clicking on the layout icon brings an xmenu prompt for to pick a new layout, and switches to the ...

joeldbadwm: My personal build of suckless.org's dwm

Using xmenu, a menu of available layouts can be brought up by left-clicking on the layout indicator icon in the bar. cyclelayouts. Allows cycling between ...

dwmlayoutmenu.sh at configured · rafasaurusdwm

dwm rice of mine. Contribute to rafasaurus/dwm development by creating an account on GitHub.

桌面視窗管理員(DWM) - Win32 apps

本文內容. 桌面視窗管理員(DWM) 技術的概觀。 若要開發桌面視窗管理員(DWM) ,您需要下列標頭:. dwmapi.h. 如需這項技術的程序設計指引,請參閱:.


dwm是X下的一个动态窗口管理器。它用平铺的、栈式的和全屏的布局方式,借助一些可选的补丁还可以实现其他的布局。布局可以动态得改变,为程序提供最优的 ...

[OC] xmenu: a simple menu utility for X : rsuckless

I am working in a toy project called xmenu: a menu utility (just like thingmenu or 9menu) written in xlib, it currently only accepts bitmap ...


dwm是一款極簡的X視窗系統管理器,它影響了其他幾個X 視窗管理員的開發,包括xmonad和awesome。dwm 是純粹使用C編寫的,以確保代碼簡單、效能和安全性。